Mother and Daughter Productions
                                Mother and Daughter Productions

Production Management


  • We will meet with the producer/producers to discuss and plan your shoot ideas and coordinate production schedule.
  • Provide production management resources.
  • Scout Locations and or Booking of Studio space
  • Casting Calls Auditions managment
  •  Seasoned Certified Director
  • Recruit and manage a Seasoned Certified Crew.


  • During the filming or studio taping of the project, we are responsible for making sure that the production runs to schedule plans.
  • We will report on progress to the head producers in a timely manner.
  • Manage the floor or field production shoot, dealing with production problems during filming.
  • Make any necessary changes to the production schedule as needed, for example: (re-scheduling filming because of illness or bad weather)

Andrea Spruill 

Executive Producer
Mother and Daughter Productions

215-359-7314 215-359-7314

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Mother and Daughter Productions is working on a movie "One Week" it is currently in production. Check out the Production page for more details! 

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